Conducting a successful job interview requires more that just a good job description and smooth application process, it also requires the interviewer to understand a candidate’s qualifications, personality, and cultural fit. To achieve this interviewers need to make sure they are asking the right questions. The following list contains what we consider the top twenty-five questions that you can ask to best evaluate candidates more effectively, ensuring you hire the right person for the job.  


 Can you tell me about yourself? 

 This is a standard icebreaker question to help ease the candidate into the interview and help you better understand how they present themselves. To make the most of this question you should listen for how well they summarise their career path, highlight their strengths, and align their experiences to your role.  


Why are you interested in this position? 

This question can reveal the candidate’s motivation for applying. It helps determine if they’re genuinely interested in the role of just looking for any job. You should look for answers that reflect enthusiasm for the company and aligns with your mission, values, and specific job responsibilities. 


What do you know about our company? 

A well-prepared candidate should have done their homework on the company and this question helps test their research skills, as well as being able to highlight how much they care about joining your organisation. 


Can you describe a challenging project you worked on and how you handled it? 

This question provides insight into a candidate’s problem- solving abilities, resilience, and how they approach challenges. Pay attention to how they define ‘challenging’ and their strategy for overcoming obstacles.  


How do you prioritise your tasks when you have multiple deadlines?  

 Time management is an important skill in any job. This question therefore helps you understand how a candidate organises their work, deals with pressure, and ensures a timely completion of tasks.  


Tell me about a time when you had to work as part of a team. What was your role?  

 Collaboration is key to success in the workplace. This question assesses the candidate’s ability to work with others, including their communication and interpersonal skills.  


What is your greatest professional achievement?  

Asking this question allows candidates to display their proudest moments and helps them illustrate their potential for delivering significant results. As an interviewer you should be looking for achievements that align with the requirements of the role. 


How do you handle feedback, especially if its constructive?  

Receiving and responding to feedback is a crucial skill. This question helps you gauge the candidate’s maturity to criticism, openness to growth, and their ability to learn from mistakes.  


Can you give an example of a time when you went above and beyond what was required? 

This question is a great way to identify candidates who are proactive, committed, and willing to take initiative beyond their basic job duties.  


What motivates you to do your best work?  

Understanding what drives a candidate can help you determine if their motivations align with what your company can offer. Whether it’s career growth, financial rewards, or personal satisfaction, this question helps you gauge fit.  


How do you deal with workplace conflict? Can you provide an example?  

Conflict resolution is an important skill in any workplace. This questions how the candidate manages disagreements and maintains professionalism in difficult situations.  


Discover more about the difference between structured and unstructured interviews here 


Describe a situation where you failed? What did you learn from it? 

Failure is inevitable but a candidate’s response to it is what counts. This question highlights the candidate’s ability to reflect, learn, and grow from their experience.  


What are your long-term career goals? 

This question helps you understand if the candidate’s career trajectory aligns with the opportunities your company can provide. It also indicates how long they might stay with the organisation. 


Why did you leave (or are you leaving) your current job? 

Look for honest, professional responses that focus on growth rather than negativity. 


How do you stay current with industry trends and developments? 

Continuous learning is important in many fields. This question evaluates the candidate’s commitment to personal and professional growth. 


Can you describe your ideal work environment? 

Cultural fit is key to employee satisfaction and retention. This question helps you determine if the candidate’s preferences align your company’s culture.  


Find out more questions to make sure the candidate is the right cultural fit here. 


What do you consider to be your greatest strengths and weaknesses? 

This common question assesses self-awareness. Look for a balance. candidates who can confidently discuss their strengths and acknowledge areas for improvement.  


Tell me about a time when you had to learn something quickly. 

Adaptability is crucial in the workplace. This question helps you assess the candidate’s ability to learn and apply new knowledge efficiently.  


How do you handle stress and pressure? 

Understanding how a candidate copes with stress can help you predict how they’ll perform in high-pressure situations.  


Can you describe a time when you had to convince someone to see things your way? 

This question assesses the candidate’s persuasion and negotiation skills, which are valuable in many roles. 


What are your salary expectations? 

Though often tricky, this question is essential for ensuring that both you and the candidate are aligned on compensation expectations.  


If hired, what are the first three things you would do in this role? 

This question tests the candidate’s understanding of the role and their ability to prioritise effectively.  


How do you ensure the quality of your work? 

Attention to detail is important in many roles. This question assesses how the candidate maintains high standards in their work. 


Can you give an example of a decision you made that wasn’t popular, and how you handle it?  

Leadership often involves making tough decisions. This question helps you evaluate the candidate’s decision-making skills and their ability to stand by their choices. 


Read our article on the do’s and don’ts of unusual interview questions here 


Do you have any questions for me? 

A strong candidate will have questions that demonstrate their interest in the role and the company. Their questions can also provide more insight into what they value most in a job. 


Asking the right interview questions can make all the difference in finding the perfect candidate for your team. These interview questions cover a wide range of topics, from work experience and skills to personality, and culture fit, ensuring that you have a well-rounded view of each candidate. It’s important to bear in mind that the goal of an interview is not just to assess qualifications but to understand whether the candidate will thrive in your company’s environment. 

About the author

Alisha Cadogan