We need your help! We’re asking for your thoughts and experiences of graduate recruitment.

We are working with the University of Reading KTC (Knowledge Transfer Centre) on a research project. We want to understand more about the skills graduates have upon leaving education and whether they match the needs of employers like you.

 As part of this research, we’re asking a diverse range of employers to complete this short survey.

We want to hear about your experiences of graduate recruitment. How prepared do you think new hires are for the world of work? Have you seen changes in the way you approach graduate recruitment over the years? And what skills are most essential for your organisation?

With your insights, we can understand how to better align expectations between education and employers, and learn more about how we can support graduates in the workplace.

We are publishing the results of this research in the summer, and we would love you to be a part of it.

Add your voice now and help us understand the graduate skills landscape today.

Take the survey.

Thank you for your support with this project.