What is a careers site?

A careers site offers potential candidates a peek into your organisation – what you do, your workplace culture, your values, your mission, and more.

A successful careers site should communicate your employer brand effectively and gain the interest of candidates that are compatible with your organisation, prompting them to apply to vacant positions or register their interest for future roles.

What should you include on your careers site?

Company benefits and perks

Volunteer days, medical cover, paid gym membership or unlimited PTO, different organisations set themselves apart through their benefits package. Make sure you list what benefits are available at your organisation, how they may differ from role to role, and most importantly, what the communicate about your values.

Open roles

Make sure your vacancies are not only front and centre, allowing them to be easily seen by any visitors to your careers site, but also well organised. This may be done differently depending on the size or industry of your company, how many departments you have, and how many vacancies you are likely to have at one time.

Employee testimonials

Testimonials from current employees can be the most effective way to deliver authentic content to your careers site about what it’s like to work for your organisation. Try to get as much variety as possible, including people of varying experience levels, from different teams, with different backgrounds, and who have been at your organisation for different lengths of time.

For example, a veteran employee may be able to speak to the brilliant growth of your company over time, while a newer employee may have more to say about their positive onboarding process. Testimonials may be delivered as video interviews, written articles, or quotes next to photos of the employee.

Office information

Virtual office tours can be a great way to show applicants around your workspaces. Including photographs and descriptions of the areas or cities your offices are based in can also be positive, as it informs candidates who may be commuting or relocating. Alternatively, if you are a remote workplace, sharing employee testimonials about the benefits of this can fill this section of your careers site.

Benefits of a careers site

Promote your employer brand 

Your careers site allows your team to better establish and share your unique employer brand. Just as different sectors and departments suit different people, so do different organisations. A careers site is the perfect opportunity to add personality to the best parts of working for your organisation – whether that’s flexible working and brilliant career progression, working directly with your community or an exciting period of growth, a careers site is the idea shop window for this.

Reduce cost per hire 

Investing in a careers site can help reduce your reliance on job advertisement platforms. It can also be part of your in-house recruitment strategy, which reduces the need to depend on external recruitment agencies, saving your organisation money in the long-term.

Candidate experience

When a careers site includes a candidate portal, where talent can track their applications and create their own profile, this self-service enables active candidates to be proactive. A careers site can also be customised to provide a streamlined application process, gathering up important information for your hiring team but avoiding what is unnecessary so as not to waste the applicants time.

You might enjoy: 7 Ways to Improve Candidate Experience

How do you ensure you enjoy these benefits from your careers site?

Be clear and concise 

Make sure your careers page is intuitive and easy for candidates to navigate. Provide plenty of information around compensation, benefits, responsibilities, and necessary experience in vacancies listed on the careers site.

Clearly signpost the pages which offer information on your company culture, where to sign up for any kind of newsletter or job alerts, as well as relevant contact information for active candidates.

Showcase your brand values 

Research has found 70% of Gen Z job searchers want to work for an organisation that aligns with their values, so make sure these are clear on your careers site. This is more than just listing your company values – make the content engaging and organic.

This could be done through interviews with current employees about your organisation’s culture, or it may be reflected in your job descriptions. For example, if your business values transparency, listing the salary band on your vacant roles can be a great way to prove this is a genuine value and not just for show.

Visual branding

A careers site may be one of the first impressions you provide of your organisation. So, if the branding is out of date or it’s poorly designed, you risk candidates taking that as a reflection of your company.

This may also be where you ensure the design of your careers site is accessible. For example, certain fonts and layouts will be easier for talented candidates with dyslexia to read and engage with.

Promote your careers site

It will be a waste of resource if you contribute the time and effort to building a standout careers site but don’t promote it!

Share your careers site on social media channels, clearly signpost it on your website, shout about it in any company newsletter, and if you attend any kind of job fairs make sure there is a QR code or any other simple method that will allow potential applicants to access your careers site.

Keep your careers site updated

Make sure a member of your team is on top of uploading new vacancies, taking down filled roles, and other general housekeeping on your careers site. It can create a negative impression of your employer brand if a candidate applies for an old vacancy.

Learn all about Hireserve’s careers site and candidate portal tools.

About the author

Hannah Elliott