The emergence of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) this year has caused a level of uncertainty across the globe in the last few months.
We would like to reassure you that Hireserve is doing its utmost to prioritise the wellness of staff, customers and visitors, as well as
limit any disruption to our services that we could see over the coming weeks.

We have been closely monitoring the advice from Public Health England and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and will continue to do so.
Where appropriate we will adapt our operating procedures in line with the prevailing advice.

Please be assured that our business continuity plans will enable us to continue to manage our business well in the face of the potential pressures
that a public health emergency may present.

The health and wellbeing of staff and customers are Hireserve’s highest priority, and we have therefore decided not to conduct any face-to-face meetings at this time, until further notice.

If you do have a meeting scheduled with a member of the team, we will contact you directly to arrange a call instead, or to postpone the meeting if you would prefer.

We would like to reassure you that, even in the event that members of the Hireserve team need to self-isolate, the performance of the ATS will not be impacted. All team members are equipped with the tools and technology to enable secure 24/7 remote working.

The ATS runs on remote servers, and therefore the Hireserve team do not need to be present in our offices to ensure the smooth functioning of the software. Hireserve has already adopted its “readiness for home working plan”.

At this time, it is likely that we will postpone the User Group. We are proceeding with caution and are considering the impact that COVID-19 will have on the event.

We will keep you updated regularly via email (please do double-check your junk folders and let us know if you don’t receive these) and via the Hireserve Hub in the run-up to the User Group. Should we postpone the event, we plan to release online content that you can access remotely, so you don’t miss out on any important insights.

If you do have any questions about our strategy going forward, or would like to get in touch about a meeting or event you’ve scheduled with us, please contact our Communications team who will be happy to assist.


Last updated: 16th March 2020